Email Marketing List Management Best Practices

MonstrInvestor-отчет.pngEmail marketing is an essential tool for your inbound marketing program. Successful marketers use email marketing to engage with leads who have downloaded educational content but aren’t yet ready to buy. Email marketing generally comes to play at the middle of your sales process, when buyers have an understanding of the problem your product or services solves and are working their way towards a purchase decision. Continue reading

5 Email Marketing List/Database Management Best Practices


Ever wondered how you should manage an email marketing list/database in your email marketing or marketing automation platform? Here is a list of 5 fantastic guides that can help you save a lot of time and make you smarter at email marketing database management! Continue reading

Mailing List Best Practices: Should You Buy Lists?

download-64Mailing lists can be a powerful marketing tool for your business. If you decide to take advantage of this particular tactic, you must decide whether to purchase a mailing list or create one of your own. As there are several pros and cons to each strategy, deciding which mailing list best practices will work may vary depending on your company and industry. Continue reading