listmanagement.pngAccording to BlueHornet’s Consumer Email List Management Report, 95% of B2C companies say list growth is an important measure of success for their marketing programs. However, 74% find that their email lists are growing slowly or not at all. So how do you grow your list while maintaining data quality? What are the best ways to acquire new subscribers? And most importantly, what are the right success metrics?  Continue reading

3 Crucial Rules to Follow For Email Marketing List Management

email-list-management.jpgThere are rules for nearly everything these days: from laws of warfare to instructions for putting together an Ikea dresser (which sometimes feels like warfare). And often times, following rules and best practices means you escalate your probability for success as well as the speed at which you get there, whether you are in the armed forces, in email marketing agencies, or in an endless aisle at Ikea. Continue reading

Right Message Right Person: What Is List Segmentation & How Can You Optimize It?

list segmentation.jpgIf you’ve got a larger or active email list that you’ve been marketing to but you want to improve conversion results from that list, Comm100 explains in this article what is list segmentation and how to segment your list into smaller, more targeted segments in order to drive higher conversions. Continue reading